The RE-Initiative is more than just a project – it’s a testament to the power of partnership, perseverance, and purpose. Born out of a shared commitment to renewal and restoration, the RE-Initiative began as a bold vision to transform lives and communities from the inside out.

A Vision Takes Shape

It all started with a simple question: How can we make a tangible difference in the lives of those around us? As members of Hill City Church, we were deeply rooted in a mission to connect people to life – a mission that extended far beyond the walls of our sanctuary.

A Partnership Forms

Recognizing the need for affordable housing solutions within our community, Hill City Church partnered with local organizations, ministries, and agencies to explore ways to address this pressing issue. Together, we embarked on a journey of discovery, seeking out opportunities to make a meaningful impact where it mattered most.

The Birth of the RE-Initiative

Out of this collaboration emerged the RE-Initiative – a groundbreaking effort to restore homes, redeem stories, and rethink the role of church in our community. With a shared vision and a spirit of determination, we set out to breathe new life into forgotten spaces and bring hope to those in need.

Building a Legacy

Since its inception, the RE-Initiative has grown into a beacon of hope and transformation within our community. Through the dedication and generosity of countless individuals, families, and organizations, we’ve been able to restore homes, revitalize neighborhoods, and rebuild lives from the ground up.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on our journey thus far, we’re filled with gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of something truly special. But our work is far from over. With each new day comes the chance to make a difference, to rewrite stories of struggle into tales of triumph, and to continue the legacy of renewal that began with a simple question and a bold vision.